Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Oh God, tell me I'm not crazy! Tell me it's just because of that fast-paced life I'm having here!

Arghhhhhhhhh! I woke up around 1am and took a big hot shower, and washed my hair! It's now only 1.05am after I've took my shower and dried my hair. Stupid me!!!

I believe I woke up after hearing some sound coming from the living room. I thought it's already 6! I turned off my mobile phone alarm clock without looking at the time. I also turned off my analogue alarm clock without knowing what time it was.

Oh why wouldn't I look at the clock before rushing to the bathroom?!

Singapore! Singapore! Singapore! All this happened because I'm living in Singapore. I need my holiday, away, AWAY from this tiny red spot that's making me crazy!

How am I suppose to get back to sleep? :(


  1. you went back to bed after blogging??

  2. Ya, I went straight back to bed even though my hair weren't completely dried. Just too tired!

  3. haha! pity my dear....
    come back pg! come back pg!!

  4. yes dear, i'm coming back next week! so happy now, already starting to plan where to go. wanna join me?

  5. hahahhaha... kesian lo~~ hahahahah....

  6. sure! let us know when u come back, ok?

  7. What surprised me was that you can get up and head to the shower WITHOUT looking at the time. Most would check on how much time there is left for a quick snooze. You....(speechless).

  8. vy,

    I'll call u then. :)

    I'm just so used to get up and head to the shower. It's already a routine in my daily life. No one will wake me up anymore if I'm overslept, I guess I just got that alarm implanted in my head already.

  9. I know it is not very nice of me to laugh at such situation... but *muahaha* it's really kind of funny...

    Sorry lar, you really deserve a break from all these hectic lifestyle.

  10. Oh...I know I still have the LRT to blame if I oversleep. Very reliable when it comes to break-downs, infrequent coaches and overly-packed stations. :)
