Saturday, February 28, 2009

Guys, Be Considerate!!!

Another girl's life is destroyed!
I just read the news about a young couple being robbed at a car park in Petaling Jaya last night and the girl was raped by several robbers.
Guys, be considerate!!! Send your girlfriend or female friend home early, don't keep them out until late night. Malaysia is just too dangerous for anyone to hang out late, be it girls or guys.
Guys always think that girls are safe to hang out late when there are guys accompanying them. Stupid! Not in Malaysia, definitely not in Malaysia. Rape cases like this have happened too many times in Malaysia. Guys, don't ignore the fact that you are human beings too, you won't be able to protect your girlfriend when someone is pointing a knife or a gun at you! Damn it, guys!
Two years ago, I joined a company where more than 70 per cent of the staff are at the age group between 22 to 27. And the company had a stupid team building policy, where we all had to come out with activities to build team spirit. There was once me and the other team members went to Queensbay Mall for dinner. I wasn't prepared to hang out with them after the dinner. So, I was riding on that day. But, they all decided to go for a movie after the dinner. Even though I've tried to say no, but they just wouldn't let me go and kept persuading me. I felt really bad to leave after they all trying so hard to talk me into joining them. I didn't want to be treated like the so-called 'mummy's girl' or 'good girl' or being arrogant. So, I went for the movie with them eventually. I called home to tell my mum that I was going to be late. I felt so terribly bad when my mum told me to go home straight away. I knew she was worrying about my safety because I had to ride home alone and the journey was around half an hour from the mall to home. But, I couldn't say no to my colleagues after all that sweet talk. I felt like crying at that moment. I actually blogged about the incident in another blog of mine.
After that incident, I actually felt that my male colleagues were so inconsiderate at that time. They knew I was riding motorcycle, but my safety was not their concerns. I was a little bit upset. And because of that incident too, I promised myself I will never ever hang out late and make my parents worry about my safety again. Also, if my boyfriend ever trying to talk me into hanging out late, I will dump the guy straight away.
It's just so unacceptable that a guy being ignorant about his girlfriend's safety. And girls, if your boyfriend take you out till late night, you should consider dumping him. He's just not that concern about you!

Monday, February 23, 2009


地铁自动门一打开,人群就哇地一窝蜂涌向电动扶梯去。我随着人群,像溪水那样随波逐流地被挤上扶梯。在离自动检票闸门约十步的地方,我瞥见了从身旁快步走 过的OL。她化着淡淡的妆,穿着一件式的白色套装裙,腰间系着一条两寸阔的深褐色绒布腰带,脚上那双褐色高跟鞋随着她那轻盈的脚步踢踏踢踏地响着。可是, 怎么这个女人却怎么看怎么别扭?好奇心促使我大步大步地跨上前去,赶在那个女人前头,然后尽可能自然地回头看了她一眼。
是 的,自大年初二回到新加坡以后,接下来的三个星期都是忙忙碌碌的。第一个周六,我和另外两个同事还有一个朋友花了十二个小时骑着脚踏车车踏遍了新加坡岛。 周日又到大老板家拜年拿红包,过后又看了电影The Reader。第二个星期,英国的同事到访,我们就陪着她逛新加坡。周五晚上我们吃过晚饭后,就去了新加坡五星级酒店内的Long Bar去clubbing。这可是我人生中第一次clubbing,而且还很惊险。其中一个男同事因为对酒精敏感,引起身体不适而在凌晨被送到急诊室。还 好有惊无险,那同事在医院休息了数小时后就没事了。第三个周末我们一班同事七个人去了印尼的巴淡岛共度情人节。
虽然很忙碌,每天回到家都筋疲力尽 了,可是却很开心,生活过得很充实。英国同事回去以后,一切活动都停止了,生活也恢复平静。我却像泄了气的气球一样,每天都不愿起床。并不是厌倦上班,我 不过是厌倦了挤在地铁上班的路程,加上无处不是的拥挤人群,还有家里那股一进门就闻到的发霉味道,这些简直就让我想立刻收拾行李回槟城。

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Best Meal in Singapore

SlrRp SlrRp SlrRp...Mmmmmmmmmmm Asam Laksa!!!
I've been hunting for Asam Laksa since I came to Singapore. Though I found a few restaurants and hawker stalls selling Penang food on the Penangites in Singapore (PIS) group on Facebook for quite some time ago, but I didn't have the time to try them out.
As I didn't have the time to eat my favourite Ayer Itam Asam Laksa during my last trip back to Penang in Chinese New Year, I've been craving for it since the day I stepped my feet on Singapore. Today is a long and tired day for me because I attended a one-and-a-half-hour training and a twenty-minute meeting, and of all I didn't get enough sleep last night after a heavy Indian vegetarian meal.
This is the kind of day I will treat myself some nice food. But it's not easy to find something that really soothes my soul and stomach in Singapore. I knocked off sharp at 6pm, dragging my body back to Toa Payoh. Two weeks ago, I found the Ipoh famous Old Town White Coffee Cafe at the HDB hub in Toa Payoh. And someone from the PIS group recommended the Asam Laksa from Old Town at East Coast. So, I just couldn't wait to try it out.
When the waiter passed me the menu, I didn't even read it carefully, my eyes just went on hunting for my Asam Laksa and I ordered it straight away without second thought. Oh, I ordered an O Beng (Iced Kopi O) as well, one of my favourite drinks in Penang.
I was smiling all the time while enjoying my Laksa. I've never appreciated Laksa the way I did today. I just feel like smiling while biting the noodles and the big pieces of onions. Yum yum...I believed the waiters and waitresses were staring at me and knew it right away that I am a Penangite! Hahaha So what if I eat like I've been starving for days?! I just couldn't bother less!
I emptied the whole bowl of Laksa, I drank all the soup (简直就是碗底朝天嘛^o^). I feel as light as a feather as soon as I finish it. :D Hehe
Even though the Laksa only scored 8 out of 10, it still beats everything else in Singapore. Okay, it's now time to give a fair comment on the Laksa. I rated it 8 because the noodles wasn't soft enough and the soup was a little too thin. Also, the cucumber were sliced too thin and took away the crunchiness. And my favourite pineapple was MIA (missing in action), which disppointed me a little.
And here's some info about Asam Laksa for those who're not Penangites or haven't try it before.

Sunday, February 15, 2009




到了国外,无论我们在国内受了多少的委屈,肚子里装着多少无从发泄的怨愤,我们总是很骄傲地告诉别人我们是马来西亚人,我们是马来西亚华人。我们都会很骄傲地说We are Malaysian, we are Malaysian Chinese。有位朋友在中国念大学时,更为了坚持自己是马来西亚人的身份和一位中国远亲发生口角。当时我那位朋友在假期时到一个中国远房亲戚家住,在那之前他们从来没见过面。那位亲戚非常热情地招待我朋友,可是有一天那亲戚跟我朋友说,你是中国人,你的祖先是从中国移居到马来西亚的。我朋友告诉那亲戚说,我不是中国人,我是马来西亚人,我是马来西亚华人。两人后来就各自坚持己见,一个说是中国人,一个说是马来西亚华人,两人争得面红耳赤。我朋友更一气之下离开了那亲戚的家。

看官读到这里可能会满脑子疑问,既然都那么不满了,为什么还要为了那么个身份问题和别人吵嘴呢?可能你会认为我的那位朋友太激动了,可是我却了解他的心情。从我们呱呱落地的那一刻起,我们的脚踏着的是一个叫马来西亚的地方,吃的是马来同胞的三峇巴拉煎炒蕹菜,喝的是印度同胞的拉茶 (Teh Tarik)。这一切一切就只能在马来西亚找到,要是硬要说我们是中国人,那实在是说不过去。除了国籍,文化决定一个人的身份。


“……家在土里长 国在心里放,你来自北方 我来自南方,你不是寄居 我不是流浪,你身在异乡 我心在家乡……”

作曲/编曲:Alex San
演唱:满江浤、爱FM DJ(国俊、理强、佳文、吉安、晓芬、碧枝、敏明 、晓薇)
一年又一年 这座城市的喧哗
谁还在欢唱 谁不再反抗
一站又一站 站在自己的车站
一面都是墙 一退就是让
一年又一年 这座城市换红衫
谁还在欢唱 谁不再反抗
一代又一代 先贤锣鼓走过来
家在土里长 国在心里放
你来自北方 我来自南方
你不是寄居 我不是流浪
你身在异乡 我心在家乡
过年已过了三代 上一代靠岸 下一代上岸

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Home-Cook Dishes

After moving to Singapore, I miss home-cook food very very much, so much that I constantly skip dinners.
An idea came across my mind recently, and it keeps coming into my mind whenever I eat alone. A restaurant that serves home-cook dishes, simple and healthy, and definitely not oily and has to be additive-free - no 'BI SO HUN' (味精). Home-cook dishes are a luxury for someone like me who lives alone in a city where everyone does not cook meals and dine out basically.
I have been looking for places that serve something that is close to home-cook dishes. But sadly, I just can't find any. Economy rice stalls serve extremely oily food, even the stir fried choy sum is oily. :( Even the claimed-to-be-healthy Japanese food does not appeal to my appetite. Why can't someone open a restaurant that serves home-cook dishes - simple, less oil, less salt, and HEALTHY food?!
Healthy home-cook dishes. That is what I am going to serve to my customers, IF I ever have the opportunity to open my own restaurant. And one-seater dining tables specially for lonely souls to enjoy meals is a must. It is no joke that you need to spend at least 5 minutes or sometimes 20 minutes to find a seat during meal time in Singapore, and sharing tables just make me lose my appetites.
**Another dream of mines after living in the boring city for six months. :P