Saturday, September 29, 2007

Another Friday

It's Friday again! A quiet week with only one surprising news - one of the supervisors left. Ooo surprisingly one of them is leaving. Used to think that they will stay for a longer period since the company is expanding and there are more openings for manager-level positions.

Uhmm probably the work is just too tough, the workload is just overly heavy for the supervisors. Frustrations have been going around in the supervisors gang.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

On the way getting rid of music at work

Feel like getting rid music off my working hours. Yup, that's right! Headphones and earphones are no good for the ears, so better get rid of them as soon as possible or as frequent as possible.

Due to the nature of work, I have to rely on music to bring some fun to my boring working hours. However, recently I experienced pain on the nerves near my left ear. At first, I thought it was merely because I had too much biscuits, but the pain did not go away after I stopped eating biscuits or drinking MILO.

So, I decided to stop using them. Today, I have only used my headphone for less than 15 minutes. And that was during lunch time listening to the Japanese Textbook CDs.

Cool! It would be good if I can focus on my work without the help of music in the future.

Wish me luck, buddies! :P

Discrepancies made by my SA during the review of my reports are confusing me. Why we get the blame while there are no standardization from the supervisors' end? How on earth shall I know which is correct, which is wrong and which one to follow? Two out of ten he will give me a different answer for the same question.

It is just so stupid for all the discrepancies and redundancies occur in the office. Same as 'stupid idiot".

Another Day...

Back aches since this morning. Couldn't find where the stress come from. Could it be being not happy at work?

In desperate need of new challenges, the report writing is no longer challenging to me. There have to be new challenges to inspire, excite me. There must be something out there waiting for me to discover.

There must be new challenges waiting for me out there.

I'm slouching in front of the computer. Just don't feel like working. I wanna go home!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Evolving into Zombi sleepy. Motivation has been stolen away from me. Soon I'll be dragging my body to work, like a zombi. Yucks, a zombi who eats human beings' flesh. Urghhhh!

Bad sign. This is a sign of me leaving the job soon. Struggling, I want my promotion. I see the rocketish career advancement here. Aiks, will I be able to stop myself from evolving into zombi? Err, no idea. Let's just hope I will be able to.

It's 3pm but I'm still not in the mood of work yet. I'm still on the "Away" mode since this morning. NO, it's since last week. Oh gosh. What am I suppose to do?! Even the most inspiring Broadway musical songs are of no use. Helplessly demotivated. :(

I can't wait to grab my backpack and leave the office. Haiyo, why's the time crawling and not flying?! Ummmm, probably because I'm crawling and not flying while doing my job.

Why most of the management want to bully those that have resigned and waiting to leave the company? Can't the management just treats them like any other staff? If they've been treated fairly, especially after they thrown the resignation letter, they'll appreciate the company they are soon to leave more. At least they won't purposely screw up in their work. It's such a lost for the company if people screwing up in their work.

Monday, September 24, 2007

A Blue Week

Sigh, it's Friday again. Others have blue Monday, while I found Friday is even bluer at times.

A tough week is ending soon. Tough, not because of the workload is heavy, just that I'm not motivated for this week. Why? It's the shift work system that's driving me nut. Though the management confirmed that the normal working hours won't be dimissed, but it's only for temporary, in my opinion. By the time the management has trained enough analysts, all of us who's anti-shift will be pressured to work shift.

Pessimistic? Darh, I just can't be optimistic about this. This is real life - employer will not care about employees' wellfare. That's the truth, so true that it makes life sad.

Felt like simply do the work, but I just couldn't. Once I started to simply glance through the screen, I felt insecure. Yea, that's not me, who always seek for perfection. Gosh, then I'll be work like "kek".

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Argghhhh...a terrible week - taihen desu ne

Sien. Suddenly felt like quitting the current job. Yea, affected by the new shift work system. Sad, all plans have to be modified again. Staggerred? Cancelled? Arghhh...sick of it!

Keeping myself MOTIVATED

Gosh, i've been slacking over the week. I need something to motivate myself. Where's all my motivation gone? In the drain or back in that recycle bin waiting for me to pick it up?

Hide my feelings from colleagues

Can I trust all my friends at work? I thought I could, but now I'm not sure. Not that I distrust them, just that I don't want to put all my feelings under the sun. At least not to my colleagues, espcially when it is work-related.

Maybe we just can't trust anyone in this world. Though not necessarily they'll tell the management about you, but gossips go around and there it is all about you are exposed to everyone.


Looking for someone to share everything - books, emotions, blogs, interesting websites, yummy food, etc. But where's that someone?

Happy time, I wanna share the laughter with you. Sad time, I hope you will bring me a box of tissues. Stressed out weeks, wishing you to go hiking with me on the weekends. Put on weight time, we'll go swimming together.

SHIT!!! I think I've gone crazy, insane, nut...I got excited when there's urgent cases. :( must have been a sign of transforming into WORKAHOLIC. S.O.S - that's all I can think of at the moment.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


2007年9月16日 雨




