Sunday, December 21, 2008

Surviving with Singapore food

As I was wishing my taste buds would stop working for some time till I get to cook something for myself, I found a way to swallow those yucky Singapore food without too much difficulties. What is it? Swallow without chewing? No no, I wouldn't do such thing that's harmful to my stomach. The answer is - get FAMISHED!
Room & toilet cleaning is the routine work for my weekends and I like to get everything done on Saturday mornings as soon as I get off from my bed. Usually I skip breakfast on weekends with a brunch before I spend the rest of the day at the library. So, I did the same yesterday. I did my cleaning and laundry in the morning without having my breakfast. Around noon, I had everything done and ready to go to the library. I took a train to the Central Library located at the city central. By the time I reached the Bugis stop, I was famished. I need food! I need food! That's all in my mind. I headed straight to the food court in Bugis Junction, and grabbed a seat (it's always difficult to find a seat for someone who's alone, it's pathetic). I ordered beef noodles. The noodles tasted rather yummy and I finished up that big bowl without feeling like throwing up. *p*
In the evening, I didn't feel like having any hawker food for dinner. I ended up eating at KFC in Singapore for the first time, and alone. I ordered a Continental chicken salad with lots of veg and pieces of fried crusty chicken on it. They serve it with a pack of sweet soy sauce, which doesn't taste nice. I would prefer some thousand island sauce or mayonnaise to go with that salad. I spent around an hour eating my salad while reading my novel. If I was to do my reading in a garden cafe surrounded by green grass, it would be a relaxing evening. But eating at the KFC in a HBD hub, I felt like I have to finish off my dinner ASAP.


  1. Spore food really that bad meh? I am not a picky person when it comes to food but you made eating out in Spore sounds like the hardest chore on earth! Come back soon lar, Penang food is yummy :) Btw, can I link you in my blog?

  2. Sure, you may link mine to yours. Since I'm not the only one complaining about Spore food, I guess I'm not being picky. haha
