Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Horror Movie

Horror movie used to be one of my favourite movie genres. I enjoyed the excitements and fears it brings me. However, I've not have the gut to watch it anymore since I moved to Singapore and staying alone in the small room.

My mum used to say that I'm the bravest one among my siblings. I would've watch the horror movies, ghost movies and then go to bed alone. I had no fear of sleeping alone in the room before my sisters coming to bed. Now, I'm staying alone. So, I try to avoid watching any horror movies. I'm afraid of waking up from nightmare in midnight and surrounding by fear in darkness.

When I was young, I used to have this dream, Japanese dead soldiers killing people in my dream. I had that same dream for years. I believe it was the inspiration I get from the Hong Kong horror movies. I also had this dream of myself running in the corridor at my old house. It is the corridor of my house, but, with a big deep hole in the middle of it and the corridor seems to have no end. I was chased by ghost or something which I can't remember at all, and I was running along the corridor and keeping myself from falling into that deep big hole. I would wake up in great fear every time I had these dreams. I was only four or five years old.

Then, I stopped having that dreams after my family moved to the new house. But, I had other nightmares. Also, I used to wake up in midnight and felt that the window which is only a few feet away from me to be so far away. It was such a bad feeling. Creepy.

Even though I've not had that feeling and nightmares for quite some time, I fear that they will come to find for me again as I'm staying alone now. There will be no one there for me if I ever wake up from nightmares in the middle of the night. :(

I miss my sisters so much, even though I wanted to have the bedroom for myself at times.

18 October 2008, Saturday

1 comment:

  1. Walau ei,怎么我们两个都那么地感性?想念我们的时候有没有偷偷地哭?;)
