Saturday, October 11, 2008

HSBC Tree Top Walk

Finally I have something to write about my adventure in Singapore after staying here for two months. This is the first time I've done something totally new in my life – jungle trekking with new friends that I've never met with before, and there were ten of them. Today, I went jungle trekking with ten new friends who I've not met with before. Last week, my Chinese colleagues invited me to go jungle trekking with them. At first, I thought they will bring some of their friends together. Eventually, some of them have not met with each other at all, and most of them know each other through online forums and traveling trips. Never in my life I get to know so many new friends at a time. It's a totally new experience for me. I've never imagine myself jungle trekking with so many first-met friends. I start to enjoy the life of being home and away. I wish I have joined my colleagues for weekends activities long before. It's so comfy staying home with family members, but I shall never have this experience if I have not come here alone. The trekking path was not as challenge as the easiest one in Penang, but it's a precious one as I get to know ten new friends at a time, and most of them are from China, one from Hong Kong and another from Taiwan. This gives me an opportunity to learn what globalization is. Most of them have been to so many places and they are adventurous. The guy from Hong Kong is an adventurous one, he has experienced diving, skiing, mountain climbing, etc. and is planning to hike Kilimanjaro in Africa. This is the most enjoyable Saturday I have since I stepped into Singapore. I'm looking forward to more adventurous weekends with these new friends of mine. ;)
04/10/08, Saturday

My Bata Slipper...

This will be my all-time best friend in my adventures in Singapore. :P

The Internet Connection

At last, I've finally got my Internet connection at home. After waiting for 3 weeks for the USB modem, I decided to ask around at other stores in the neighbourhood today.
Surprisingly the shop assistant of the first store I stepped into to make some queries on the mobile broadband package told me the modem has never been running out of stocks. He said the modems are always ready for customers who sign up on the spot. I felt like a dumb for that moment as I've been carrying my 15.4 inches-screen laptop walking 10 minutes to the library for 3 weeks. Damn it! What kind of service is that?! The store that actually told me to wait for the modem is the biggest Singtel "exclusive" retailer in the neighbourhood.
Now I've got my own Internet access at home, I shall start telling my adventures or lonely life in Singapore on my blog. So, what I've been doing for the past 72 days in Singapore?
Shopping. That's all I've been doing for the first month besides working! I spent all my weekends walking in shopping malls, NTUC and Shop n Save. Of course, most of the time I was window shopping. Things I've bought are toiletries and food. The only weekend that I actually bought something during my shopping was the one that I went alone. I bought 2 pair of cargo-material pants and a pair of jeans. These are the most expensive items I've ever bought for myself. The cargo-material pants each costs me S$25 and the jeans cost me S$39.50. All 3 items are at 70% discount. But what to do?! It was raining almost every day, the 2 pair of jeans I brought with me started to stink.
Johor Bahru trips. I've been to Johor Bahru for 3 times up until today. For the first trip, I went with a friend who went JB for banking matters. I just followed her so that I'll know how to go JB myself in future. Two weeks later, I went again to check out the cash deposit machine at Maybank branch. It does sound a bit weird, but I'm the one who always opt for the safe way. So, I deposited all the Malaysian currencies that was left. Oh, and I went for a movie at the cinema in City Square. I watched Money No Enough alone and cried over the scenes where the old grandma who has alzheimer looking for her Mickey Mouse bra at midnight. It's as if I'm seeing my own grandma. Eventually, I missed my family so much for that weekend and cried.
Adventure. The only adventure I've had so far is the HSBC Tree Top Walk trip with my colleagues and their friends. I got to know 10 new friends during the trip. They all love adventures and hiking. Though the tree top walk was not as challenging as I hoped it would be, I had fun knowing new friends.
Since I got my laptop and copied a few TVB drama series in it, I've been spending my after-work hours watching dramas. :P It feels like I'm in Toowoomba again - my university life.
Now I'm looking forward to the Pulau Ubin bicycle ride next week with my new friends. :D